- Ăndice
- O que Ă© a ResidĂȘncia Premium Saudita?
- Critérios de Elegibilidade
- Membros da famĂlia elegĂveis para residĂȘncia premium saudita
- OpçÔes de residĂȘncia premium saudita
- BenefĂcios da ResidĂȘncia Premium Saudita
- Processo de Aplicação
- Documentos necessĂĄrios para solicitação de residĂȘncia premium na ArĂĄbia Saudita
- Custo de residĂȘncia premium saudita
- Validade e renovação da residĂȘncia premium saudita
- Viver na ArĂĄbia Saudita
- Perguntas frequentes
O que Ă© a ResidĂȘncia Premium Saudita?
Saudi Premium Residency Ă© uma autorização de residĂȘncia na ArĂĄbia Saudita que dĂĄ a estrangeiros o direito de viver, trabalhar e possuir negĂłcios e propriedades no Reino da ArĂĄbia Saudita sem precisar de um patrocinador. A Premium Residency tem como objetivo atrair talentos, profissionais qualificados, empreendedores e investidores para a ArĂĄbia Saudita como um meio de fazer a economia do paĂs crescer. Desde seu lançamento, ela atraiu atenção internacional substancial, significando um grande passo na diversificação da economia saudita e atraindo talentos e investimentos de primeira linha de todo o mundo. Lançado em 2019 e informalmente chamado de âSaudi Green Cardâ, o programa inicialmente oferecia duas opçÔes: uma residĂȘncia de um ano com possibilidade de renovação (duração limitada) e uma residĂȘncia permanente (duração ilimitada). Em notĂcias recentes sobre o Saudi Green Card, atualizaçÔes significativas foram feitas no programa. No inĂcio de 2024, a ArĂĄbia Saudita ampliou o programa Premium Residency simplificando o processo de inscrição e expandindo os critĂ©rios de elegibilidade. Esse aprimoramento introduziu cinco novas opçÔes (chamadas de produtos), projetadas para atrair um espectro mais amplo de indivĂduos, incluindo proprietĂĄrios de imĂłveis, investidores empresariais, empreendedores, talentos excepcionais e profissionais qualificados.CritĂ©rios de Elegibilidade
Para se qualificar para a ResidĂȘncia Premium na ArĂĄbia Saudita, os candidatos devem atender a certos requisitos, que podem variar dependendo do produto especĂfico da ResidĂȘncia Premium que estĂĄ sendo aplicado. Esses requisitos podem incluir critĂ©rios como idade mĂnima para o candidato principal, valores de investimento especificados ou obtenção de uma recomendação de uma autoridade relevante, entre outros. No entanto, hĂĄ critĂ©rios gerais de elegibilidade que todos os candidatos devem cumprir, independentemente do produto de residĂȘncia. Esses critĂ©rios incluem:-
- O requerente principal e quaisquer membros da famĂlia incluĂdos na solicitação devem ter passaportes vĂĄlidos com validade mĂnima de seis meses no momento da solicitação. Seus passaportes nĂŁo devem conter quaisquer restriçÔes que possam impedi-los de retornar Ă ArĂĄbia Saudita a qualquer momento.
- O requerente principal deve demonstrar solvĂȘncia financeira e capacidade de sustentar a si mesmo e seus familiares durante sua estadia na ArĂĄbia Saudita. Isso pode ser comprovado por meio de extratos bancĂĄrios e outros documentos financeiros.
- Todos os candidatos e seus familiares devem ter antecedentes criminais limpos. O candidato tambĂ©m deve consentir em permitir que o Saudi Premium Residency Center conduza verificaçÔes de antecedentes com as autoridades relevantes em seu paĂs de residĂȘncia.
- Os candidatos e seus familiares devem estar livres de doenças transmissĂveis, conforme verificado por um relatĂłrio mĂ©dico recente. Este relatĂłrio deve ser emitido nos Ășltimos seis meses por um centro mĂ©dico licenciado na ArĂĄbia Saudita ou um centro certificado por missĂ”es diplomĂĄticas sauditas no exterior.
- Se a solicitação for feita na ArĂĄbia Saudita, o solicitante deve fornecer comprovante de residĂȘncia legal no paĂs.
Membros da famĂlia elegĂveis para residĂȘncia premium saudita
Os familiares dos titulares de Premium Resident tambĂ©m receberĂŁo privilĂ©gios de residĂȘncia. NĂŁo hĂĄ limite para a quantidade de familiares que um Premium Resident pode ter na ArĂĄbia Saudita. CĂŽnjuges, filhos menores de 25 anos e pais tambĂ©m receberĂŁo Premium Residence como dependentes dos titulares primĂĄrios de Premium Residency. AlĂ©m disso, crianças com necessidades especiais, independentemente da idade, bem como filhas solteiras com mais de 25 anos, tambĂ©m podem obter residĂȘncia como familiares elegĂveis do titular principal de Premium Residency.OpçÔes de residĂȘncia premium saudita
O programa Saudi Premium Residency oferece sete opçÔes, oficialmente denominadas Premium Residency Products, projetadas para atender Ă s diversas necessidades de indivĂduos que buscam residĂȘncia no Reino da ArĂĄbia Saudita. Oferecendo tanto uma Limited Duration Premium Residency com a opção de renovação quanto uma Permanent Premium Residency, esses produtos permitem que os candidatos escolham a opção que melhor se adapta aos seus objetivos e preferĂȘncias individuais. Os produtos Saudi Premium Residency incluem:1. ResidĂȘncia Premium de duração limitada
A primeira opção Ă© a ResidĂȘncia Premium de Duração Limitada, emitida por um perĂodo de um a cinco anos com possibilidade de renovação. Ela exige uma taxa anual de 100.000 Riais Sauditas (aproximadamente 26.670 dĂłlares americanos). Os candidatos que optarem por um perĂodo maior que um ano sĂŁo elegĂveis para uma redução de taxa de 2%, desde que o pagamento seja feito antecipadamente para se beneficiar do desconto cumulativo. Este produto Ă© particularmente adequado para investidores ou empresĂĄrios interessados ââem executar projetos de investimento de prazo especĂfico na ArĂĄbia Saudita. TambĂ©m Ă© recomendado para aqueles que desejam explorar o estilo de vida diĂĄrio, o ambiente de negĂłcios e as oportunidades de investimento na ArĂĄbia Saudita antes de considerar a residĂȘncia permanente. AlĂ©m dos critĂ©rios gerais de elegibilidade, os candidatos a este produto devem ter pelo menos 21 anos de idade.2. ResidĂȘncia Premium de duração ilimitada
This product offers permanent residency in Saudi Arabia, with a one-time fee of 800,000 Saudi Riyals (approximately 213,340 US Dollars). The main applicant must also be at least 21 years old. This option is especially suitable for those seeking long-term residency without the need for annual renewal, making it an attractive choice for individuals aiming to get a permanent visa Saudi Arabia and permanently relocate to Saudi Arabia or maintain a permanent residency permit in the country.3. Real Estate Owner Residency
Foreign nationals can also obtain the Premium Residency in Saudi Arabia by owning or holding usufruct rights to residential properties in Saudi Arabia. The property’s value must be at least four million Saudi Riyals. To be eligible, the property must be residential, already developed, and must be appraised by valuers accredited by the Saudi Authority (TAQEEM) to meet or exceed the minimum required property value. The purchase of properties through real estate financing, as well as mortgaging the properties, either before or after obtaining Premium Residency, is not permitted. For this product, the duration of the granted Premium Residency corresponds to the period of property ownership.4. Investor Residency
This product provides foreign businessmen and investors with the opportunity to invest in Saudi Arabia while simultaneously obtaining permanent Premium Residency, offering a dual benefit. Saudi Arabia, known as one of the largest markets in the region and a compelling investment environment due to its robust economy and positive growth indicators, offers diverse fields and activities for investment. To qualify for this option, the applicant must hold an investment license in Saudi Arabia and, within the first two years, invest at least 7 million Saudi Riyals and create a minimum of 10 job opportunities in the country.5. Entrepreneur Residency
Entrepreneurs and startup owners can also qualify for Premium Residency in Saudi Arabia, provided their ventures secure investments or investment rounds of at least 400,000 Saudi Riyals from venture capital funds or incubators recognized by the Premium Residency Center. Entrepreneurs must obtain an entrepreneurial license from the Saudi Ministry of Investment and a recommendation letter from the investing entity. Entrepreneurs are granted a 5-year residency, which is renewable provided they maintain a minimum 20% ownership stake in the venture. Permanent residency may be awarded if the venture’s investment reaches 15 million Saudi Riyals, the entrepreneur retains at least 10% ownership in the company, and creates 10 job opportunities annually during the first two years. A notable advantage of this product is that the startup company benefits from an exemption from the Saudi localization program (Nitaqat) during its first three years of operation. Additionally, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to nominate two staff members for Premium Residency under the category of Special Talents as executives.6. Special Talent Residency
The Saudi Premium Residency program is tailored for exceptional professionals in executive leadership, healthcare, science, and research, providing those with employment contracts in these specific fields the opportunity to obtain residency in Saudi Arabia. This residency is valid for 5 years, with the possibility of renewal and potential conversion to permanent residency. Additionally, it offers an exemption from the Nitaqat program. This product offers two primary pathways. The first caters to professionals in research, science, and healthcare. It requires at least a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of 3 years of experience in the relevant field, achievement of the necessary points as outlined by the point system of the Premium Residency Center, a recommendation letter from the employer, submission of 3 research papers within the field, and a minimum monthly salary of 14,000 Saudi Riyals for researchers and 35,000 Saudi Riyals for science and healthcare professionals. The second pathway is designed for executive-level professionals and also requires a recommendation letter from the employer, along with a minimum monthly salary of 80,000 Saudi Riyals.7. Gifted Residency
Through this product, Saudi Arabia seeks to attract individuals with exceptional skills and achievements in a range of sports, cultural, and artistic fields. Those who qualify in these categories will be granted Premium Residency for 5 years, with the possibility of renewal and potential conversion to permanent residency. Additionally, they will receive an exemption from the Saudization program (Nitaqat). This category encompasses various Olympic sports like football, handball, basketball, volleyball, swimming, combat sports, athletics, and more, as well as literary and artistic fields such as music, writing, design, theater, cinema, and others. Applicants in this category must obtain a recommendation from a relevant Saudi authority such as the Ministry of Culture or the Ministry of Sports. They must also meet one of two conditions: either be nominated or receive an exceptional award, or fulfill the eligibility criteria set by the concerned ministry based on the field of application.Benefits of the Saudi Premium Residency
The Saudi Premium Residency offers many benefits for investors, entrepreneurs, skilled professionals, and talented individuals. Also known as the âSaudi Green Cardâ or the âSaudi Golden Visaâ, this program gives experienced expats coming to Saudi Arabia the opportunity to invest, operate businesses, sponsor themselves, and travel within Saudi Arabia freely.Family Benefits
The Premium Residency gives card holderâs immediate families the opportunity to reside in Saudi Arabia without paying the dependent fee. These family members have the right to reside, work, and invest in Saudi Arabia. They are also permitted to freely change employment/ employers while residing in Saudi Arabia. For family members that do not qualify for residency based on their relationship with the card holder, they are eligible to come to Saudi Arabia with a family visit visa.Property Ownership
With the Premium Residency in Saudi Arabia, you are eligible to own property including residential, commercial, and industrial real estate in all areas of Saudi Arabia excluding Mecca, Madina, and border regions. In the cases of Mecca and Madina, Premium Residency holders have the privilege of acquiring property through a 99-year lease agreement in these cities. Additionally, Premium Residency grants individuals the right to own and license vehicles and other modes of transportation within the country.Business Opportunities
Saudi Premium Residency holders have the right to invest in the Saudi Capital Market. With Premium Residency, you can work in private organizations and you are eligible to switch your job or employer without needing to deal with any sponsorship procedures. You can also apply for a SAIGA license, which gives you the right to open a 100% foreign-owned onshore entity in the country of Saudi Arabia, and open your own business in the Kingdom.Convenient Travel
You are permitted to leave and re-enter Saudi Arabia freely and as often as you please. Additionally, when re-entering Saudi Arabia you have the right to use the lanes designated for Saudi residents when in the Saudi airport.Miscellaneous Benefits
With the âSaudi Green Cardâ, individuals can recruit foreign domestic workers and arrange their residency with a housemaid visa or a domestic worker visa. Another benefit is that in the event of the Saudi Premium Residency holder’s passing, their family members who have been granted Premium Residency will retain their âKSA green cardâ rights and benefits.Application Process
With the âSaudi Green Cardâ, individuals can recruit foreign domestic workers and arrange their residency with a housemaid visa or a domestic worker visa. Another benefit is that in the event of the Saudi Premium Residency holder’s passing, their family members who have been granted Premium Residency will retain their âKSA green cardâ rights and benefits.- Account Registration
On the Saudi Arabia Premium Residency portal, click on the âregister nowâ option to create an account. Fill out the registration form with your personal information. You will need to include your full name, passport details, email address, and phone number. You will need to verify your email address and phone number.
- Complete the Application Form
Now that you have an account, login and click on the âRequest Premium Residencyâ option. Here, you can fill out the application form. You will be asked various details such as personal information, information about your family, your education, your occupation, your finances, and other general information.
- Document Submission
You will be required to upload supporting documents, such as scans of your passport, ID, birth certificate, marriage certificate, bank statement, employment contract, and various other relevant documents. After you have completed this, you will pay the application processing fee of 170 USD, which can be paid through the portal online.
- Review and Submission
Review and submit your application. Make sure that everything you have added to your application is correct and click the âSubmitâ button to finalize your application.
Required Documents for Saudi Premium Residency Application
Review and submit your application. Make sure that everything you have added to your application is correct and click the âSubmitâ button to finalize your application. When applying you need to include:-
- Saudi Iqama Number (*only if you are currently in Saudi Arabia or if you have ever been in the country on an Iqama)
- Bank statement from the last 12 months
- Proof of current address (a utility bill for example)
- Personal picture of you and of your family
- A copy of both you and your families passports
- Copies of all Saudi Arabia visas stamped on your passport from the last 15 years
- A medical report for you and all dependants from a recognized health care institution certified by a Saudi diplomatic mission
- Proof of financial capacity- all documents must be certified by the authorized Saudi diplomatic mission.
- Employees: A certified salary statement by your employer
- Investors: A Certified copy of the companyâs commercial registration document and an audited and sealed statement of your finances by a certified public accountant over the last 24 months
- Proof of financial capacity- all documents must be certified by the authorized Saudi diplomatic mission.
- Additional supporting documents as required by the specific Premium Residency Product being applied for. This may include property ownership contracts, recommendation letters, or other relevant documents.
Saudi Premium Residency Cost
The cost that applicants need to pay to obtain the residence permit Saudi Arabia Premium Residency varies based on the category or product they apply through. For instance, the cost for a Limited Duration Premium Residency Permit is 100,000 Saudi Riyals annually. For the Unlimited Duration Premium Residency, the Saudi permanent residency cost is set at a one-time fee of 800,000 Saudi Riyals. For other products such as Business Investor Residency, Real Estate Owner Residency, Entrepreneur Residency, Special Talent Residency, and Gifted Residency, applicants must pay a one-time fee of 4,000 Saudi Riyals. In addition, the application processing fee for all applicants across all products is 170 USD.Validity and Renewal for Saudi Premium Residency
The validity of Saudi Premium Residency depends on the specific product chosen within the program. Detailed information about the validity for each residency product is provided as follows:-
- Limited Duration Premium Residency: Valid for one year and renewable.
- Unlimited Duration Premium Residency: Permanent residency with no need for renewal.
- Real Estate Owner Premium Residency: Validity is tied to maintaining property ownership or usufruct.
- Investor Premium Residency: Permanent residency but conditional during the first two years.
- Entrepreneur Premium Residency: Available as a five-year, renewable term or as permanent residency, depending on the investment value.
- Special Talent and Gifted Premium Residencies: Each offers residency for five years and renewable, with the possibility of conversion to permanent residency after residing in Saudi Arabia for 30 months.
Living in Saudi Arabia
Living in Saudi Arabia offers a blend of rich history, cultural heritage, modern infrastructure, and a high standard of living. Mixing old and new, with the rich historical culture and modern amenities, Saudi Arabia provides a high quality of life. When looking for cultural immersion and modern comfort, this country is a great match. Here is a vivid picture of life in Saudi Arabia:History and Culture
Living in Saudi Arabia offers a blend of rich history, cultural heritage, modern infrastructure, and a high standard of living. Mixing old and new, with the rich historical culture and modern amenities, Saudi Arabia provides a high quality of life. When looking for cultural immersion and modern comfort, this country is a great match. Here is a vivid picture of life in Saudi Arabia:Modern Infrastructure and Cities
In cities like Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam, you will find skyscrapers, shopping malls, and world class amenities. Riyadh specifically is famous for its blend of modern architecture and traditional Saudi charm. As a Premium Residency holder, you have access to upscale residential areas, luxurious amenities, and gated communities that hold a high standard of living.Healthcare and Education
With a comprehensive healthcare system and modern hospitals and clinics, you have access to quality medical care. The countryâs education system includes top universities and schools and an excellent education can be obtained for residents and their families.Cultural Events and Recreational Activities
There are cultural events hosted by Saudi Arabia each year, including music festivals, art exhibitions, and traditional performances. Highlights of the cultural calendar include the Riyadh Season and Jeddah Season. There are many recreational activities that families can enjoy, including desert camping, visiting the dunes, and many watersports along the coast of the Red Sea.Practical Aspects of Daily Life
There are cultural events hosted by Saudi Arabia each year, including music festivals, art exhibitions, and traditional performances. Highlights of the cultural calendar include the Riyadh Season and Jeddah Season. There are many recreational activities that families can enjoy, including desert camping, visiting the dunes, and many watersports along the coast of the Red Sea.FAQs
The Saudi Investor Visa and the Premium Residency Card in Saudi Arabia exhibit distinct differences. While the Investor Visa Saudi Arabia mandates ownership of a legal investment entity, the Premium Residency allows individuals to apply directly. Premium Residency holders are not tied to a sponsor in Saudi Arabia, while Investor Visa holders rely on sponsorship from their investment establishment. Investor Visa holders are labeled as “investors” on their residency cards and are restricted from working in private sector jobs, whereas Premium Residency holders enjoy the freedom to work in the private sector and switch jobs at will. Moreover, Premium Residency holders can own real estate in their own name, whereas Investor Visa holders can only own property through their investment establishment for specific purposes.
No, marrying a Saudi national does not automatically grant you Premium Residency. Obtaining Premium Residency requires meeting specific criteria and fulfilling the necessary financial obligations.
No, possessing any form of Saudi permanent residency, whether it’s Premium Residency or another type of Permanent Residency, does not make you eligible for Saudi citizenship.
While the family memberâs Premium Residency can be revoked if they violate Saudi law, the primary Premium Residency holderâs visa will not be canceled. The primary holderâs visa can be revoked if they commit a crime, if they are deported from Saudi Arabia, or if it is proven that they applied with faulty information.